Remember when the madlads at Garage 54 duct taped three engines together to make a 12-cylinder that powered a GAZ? Well, they’ve outdone themselves again, this time by strapping together 16 single-cylinder chainsaw engines to make a single V16.
The build itself is simple enough: One frame, 16 engines, and a set of rods that actuate every throttle together. It actually makes for an incredibly clean engine bay, the sort of tucked look you’d see proudly displayed at SEMA, but this one goes further by eliminating all that pesky intake and exhaust piping. Who needs that?
After all that work, the resulting V16 Lada isn’t exactly fast. Chainsaws don’t make a ton of horsepower or torque on their own, and while throwing 16 of them together does make the car move it’s certainly not enough to make it move quickly. The car does hit 60 on screen, but it takes its sweet time getting there. Oh, and it’s 60 kilometers per hour.
Should you V16 chainsaw-swap your Lada? I mean, if you’ve got the car and the resources, absolutely. That Lada probably isn’t your daily, you likely own it as a bit, so why not make it even more of one? Get weird with it, start bolting things together and see what happens. Have more fun with your cars.
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