What Is The Fastest 0-60 Time Possible?
What Is The Fastest 0-60 Time Possible?
A car's acceleration is limited by tire traction, when there is enough horsepower, it's all about getting the power to the tar-seal.

What Is The Fastest 0-60 Time Possible?

The logic of this video is as follows: The fastest a car can hit 60 is a matter of how fast the car can accelerate. A car's acceleration is limited by tire traction, when there is enough horsepower. To determine the maximum acceleration force, we can look at a vehicles maximum deceleration, based on which car can stop the fastest. It turns out a 2014 Corvette Convertible can stop in just 90 feet, so we can use this information to determine just how fast a traction limited AWD street vehicle can hit 60 mph.

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