Tag: motoring
Love At First Rev - Could Your Car Keep You In The Romantic Slow Lane?
Everyone knows that certain types of car have always been a by-word for certain types of people. Despite recent style developments, the Skoda and the Lada will perhaps forever be associated with the socks, sandals and cardigan-wearing brigade.
Electric Cars Are Growing In Popularity, But Will The Bubble Burst?
Cutting costs - Costing as little as 2p per mile to charge, the electric vehicle is extremely economical to run. And because their inner workings are a lot less complicated than a traditional combustion engine, electric cars are cheaper to maintain; it's...
'Chevrolet Is Leaving SA, Now What?' - SA Car Questions Answered
City Press motor expert Justus Visagie, with some help from car engineer Martin Pretorius, provides useful answers to your automotive questions.
Top 10 Pet Names South Africans Give Their Cars
What do you like to whisper to your four-wheeled friend?
The New MOT Rules Come Into Force Today - Here's What You Need To Know
Don't get caught out.
15-Year-Old Gets Points On Driving Licence He Doesn’t Have Yet For Speeding On Electric Scooter
Police are urging parents not to buy the scooters as Christmas gifts.
20 Strange Motoring Rules Abroad to Catch British Drivers Unprepared
If you’re taking your car away with you this year, take time to research the motoring requirements of the place you’re visiting and make sure you purchase the appropriate equipment.
The UK’s First Fatal Car Accident
Bridget Driscoll, circled, in a family photograph was said to be bewildered by the car’s approach
The Good Ol' Days of Motoring
Back in the olden days, people were made of stronger stuff.
It's all too easy to overlook the simple things that require checking on your car on a day to day basis.
Don’t Get Stuck On The Hard Shoulder – More Tips From The Institute of Advanced Motorists
Nobody wants to be left stranded on the hard shoulder, but if you don’t take care of your car there’s every possibility you will be. Here are the latest tips from The IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) to guide you through looking after your car, becau...
Speed Cameras Cause ‘More’ Deaths On Our Roads
Motorway and A Road drivers can expect to see more SPECS cameras over the coming years.